Finnegan might be the only person who knows how to beat The Great Resignation

“Finnegan offers fresh thinking for solving the turnover problem in any economy.”
– BusinessWeek Magazine

An in-demand thought leader by business executives, Dick transforms an audience’s perspective on Employee Turnover and Employee Engagement with real-world data, business insights, and humor.
Leaders will be challenged to critically assess their current situation and empowered to implement solutions that are proven to cut turnover by 20% or more in the first six months and improve engagement company-wide.
“We’ve made Turnover and Engagement an HR issue, when it’s really a Leadership Issue.” – Dick Finnegan
The Great Resignation Will Last This Decade. Here’s How to Defeat It.
It’s a simple exercise. Ask a group of attendees to raise their hands if they’ve ever left a job for more pay. Then ask “Has anyone left a job because of an untrustworthy boss?” Twice as many hands will rise for the second question regardless of job level. Somewhere in the mix of exit surveys and other surveys for pay, benefits, and engagement, we’ve lost track of what really matters to keep our employees and motivate them to give their best – TRUST. It is leadership’s responsibility to train for it, coach for it, promote for it, and build the organizations upon its pillar. Learn the behaviors high-trust leaders utilize and apply, as well as the language and verbal cues that amplify their impact on teams and organizations so you too, can fully leverage these remarkable strengths.
Gallup Says Engagement Hasn’t Improved in Twenty Years. Here’s Why.
In our post-Covid way of work, engagement and retention have never mattered more. Common thinking is employees quit or disengage because of pay/benefits/recognition/communication and the like…when the deeply-researched top reason is they don’t trust their boss. Solutions are elusive, though, because trust coaching and courses don’t make a dent. But organizations and each of their leaders can make lasting improvements to engagement and retention. Attendees will learn business-based strategies and tools to build trust to greatly improve engagement and retention…and ultimately company profitability.
The Power of Stay Interviews
The NUMBER ONE reason employees engage or disengage, or stay versus leave, is how much they trust their boss. This is not an HR problem. It is a Leadership problem and it can be solved. Based on Dick Finnegan’s all-time top-selling SHRM book, The Power of Stay Interviews for Engagement and Retention, this session will give attendees real-world techniques including tools, Stay Interview success stories, and methods for forecasting future turnover.
How to Cut Employee Turnover 30% and More
Employee turnover is the #1 business obstacle in the U.S. and the world…and post-pandemic turmoil will make this problem worse. Most organizations are caught in the revolving door syndrome of employee surveys/program solutions/re-surveys with no change. The reason is clear, the main reason employees quit is they don’t trust their boss. Participants will learn how a 5-step employee retention improvement process has been applied in healthcare, manufacturing, call centers, and other industries to cut turnover 40% and more.
The Work-From-Home Challenge for Employee Engagement & Retention
Covid-19 stressed our workplaces in unprecedented ways, and just one outcome is the increased number of employees who will work from home. Gallup’s findings that the #1 reason employees leave and disengage is how much they trust their direct supervisors adds substantial burden to the already-challenging goal of retaining and engaging top performers. How can leaders build one-on-one trust virtually while working with teams who they might never meet in person? Learn the precise ways Stay Interviews can be modified to leverage trust and increase virtual productivity.

Best-Selling Books on Retention, Employee Engagement, and Stay Interviews
Dick leverages his extensive knowledge and experience transforming organizations into his articles, blogs, and books including the top-selling book in the history of SHRM, The Power of Stay Interviews for Engagement and Retention.
A great adjunct to his keynote addresses, Dick’s books provide big picture concepts for leaders and hands-on tactical strategies for managers.

Dick Finnegan is a world-renowned expert on Stay Interviews, Employee Engagement and Cutting Turnover. He travels extensively speaking at executive meetings and conferences, has authored five books on Stay Interviews and Employee Engagement, and is CEO of C-Suite Analytics and Finnegan Institute. BusinessWeek magazine has said “Finnegan offers fresh thinking for solving the turnover problem in any economy”. An in-demand speaker by business leaders, Dick transforms an audience’s perspective on Employee Turnover and Engagement with concrete data, insight and humor, while providing an employee retention and engagement solution that cuts turnover by 20% or more in the first six months. His experience includes solving turnover and improving engagement in a vast number of industries including Siberian banks, African gold mines, multi-national corporations in China, healthcare institutes, meat processing groups, manufacturing plants and even the CIA. He leverages that extensive knowledge as CEO of C-Suite Analytics and Finnegan Institute to transform organizations, and to author articles, blogs and books including the top-selling SHRM-published book in history, The Power of Stay Interviews for Engagement and Retention. He holds bachelors and graduate degrees from The Pennsylvania State University and lives in Orlando, Florida.
SHRM ANNUAL CONFERENCE SESSION: How to Cut Turnover by 40% or More
Information Presented Score: 4.79
Speaker Score: 4.86
“Enjoyable, interesting, and actionable. Thank you!”
“Excellent presenter and well laid out presentation and content. So many take aways, very much enjoyed it!“
“Timely and much needed information for today’s workplace challenges. Great presenter with humor and specific studies and metrics. Best presentation of conference.”
“Dick was a fantastic speaker who gave tangible and relevant information with actions that can be taken.”
“Excellent speaker. Strong communication. Useful, practical advice and instruction. Good sense of humor. Held audience attention. Interacted with audience without being overly intrusive. Really enjoyed this – one of the best sessions of the week.”
“Please have Dick Finnegan come back and present at every conference.”
“The best session I’ve attended at the conference! Outstanding speaker and content!”
SHRM MEGA SESSION: Are Your Employees As Important As Your Customers?
Information Presented Score: 4.81
Speaker Score: 4.84
“Dick gave practical, yet powerful insight into how to reduce turnover. Very great session!”
“Great information and new perspective for me!”
“Great speaker! Dick knows his stuff. He was very energetic, forthright and gave a compelling presentation.”
“This is a GAME changing topic. Thank you.”
“I was hooked. Learning how to show our CEO and CFO the dollars and cents attached to my “HR fluffy stuff” is invaluable.”