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Our client testimonials show how we have cut turnover by 30% and more…across all industries.

To understand how our solution works, first we ask that you make a few paradigm shifts in your beliefs about employee retention and employee engagement:

  1. What Matters Most: The number one reason employees stay or leave…or engage or disengage…is how much they trust their immediate supervisors.
  2. So These Matter Less: This means that every other thing you provide your employees is less important for retention and engagement: pay, benefits, promotions, career ladders, service awards, and all events with food in this category.
  3. “Best Practices” Fail: Now consider how you respond to data from engagement surveys and exit surveys, as the “best practice” is to develop new one-size-fits-all programs, all of which have little impact on engagement and retention.
  4. Why Stay Interviews Work: The single best tool for leaders on all levels to build trust with their teams is Stay Interviews conducted by leaders with each of their employees one-on-one. Stay Interviews invite employees to tell their leaders what is required for that employee to engage more and stay longer…and leaders build trust by providing the best available solutions.
  5. Require Business-Driven Processes: Implementing Stay Interviews requires surrounding them with business-driven processes so leaders conduct them on a regular basis. This combination of Stay Interviews and related business-driven processes summarizes our solution, and is represented as Finnegan’s Arrow:

Finnegans Arrow Registered

Implementing Finnegan’s Arrow®

C-Suite Analytics works with each client company to implement Finnegan’s Arrow® by conducting the following activities:

  • arrow dollars
    Facilitate meetings with company executives to place true dollar costs on turnover for all jobs, plus unlimited access to the C-Suite Analytics Turnover Calculator to determine the specific financial impact of turnover for your organization
  • arrow goals
    Recommend specific improvement goals by leader for all turnover and new-hire turnover based on our analysis of recent turnover data; and also recommend precisely who should own responsibility for goal achievement likely including executives, managers, first-line supervisors, HR recruiters, and on-the-job trainers if any
  • arrow stay interviews
    Train leaders on all levels to conduct Stay Interviews by asking 5 highly-researched questions, then listening, probing, taking notes, taking responsibility, and building individual, one-on-one stay plans
  • arrow forecast
    Train leaders on all levels to forecast how long each employee will stay
  • arrow accountability
    Facilitate monthly accountability meetings with executives and leaders throughout our contract to model retention accountability skills so results are sustainable
  • arrow bonus

    Recruiting and Selection Processes:

    Analyze recruiting and selection processes for jobs with significant undesirable turnover, then recommend proprietary tools we have developed that have proven successful to improve new-hire retention.

Think of Finnegan’s Arrow as an invention to solve employee retention and engagement. While Finnegan’s Arrow represents fresh thinking, its roots are embedded in the ways organizations have conducted business successfully for decades. As just one example, salespeople know the dollar value of their sales, have sales goals and sales tools, they must forecast future sales, and they are then held accountable for achieving their goals and developing accurate forecasts. Total sales would diminish if any one of these steps were not in place, and the same is true when implementing Finnegan’s Arrow.

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C-Suite Analytics’ 4 Core Deliverables

Our Finnegan’s Arrow Certified Facilitators work directly with client Retention Champions and Retention Coaches to deliver these core deliverables, with the common goal that each client becomes a future case study for cutting turnover 20% and more.

  • number 1

    The Rethinking Retention Executive Summit

    finnegan's arrow part 1 - dollars and goalsOur Finnegan’s Arrow Certified Facilitators deliver this three-hour executive session for planning all retention strategies and tactics. In advance of the Summit, C-Suite Analytics conducts a turnover cost study with Finance and HR, and also analyzes all turnover data in order to recommend two retention goals, one for all turnover and the other for new-hire turnover. Executives then reach agreement regarding their retention goals and identify methods for accountability. A Stay Interview overview and proprietary turnover-reducing recruiting and selection tools are also shared.

    At the Summit’s conclusion, client executives will have learned their turnovers’ costs, have committed to two retention goals, have identified who will be accountable for those goals, have committed to a specific Stay Interview implementation schedule, and have agreed to improving recruiting and selection by applying specific C-Suite Analytics tools.

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  • number 2

    The Power of Stay Interviews Training®

    finnegan's arrow part 2 - stay interviews and forecastOur Finnegan’s Arrow Certified Facilitators then deliver The Power of Stay Interviews Training®, a three-hour session teaching the core skills for conducting Stay Interviews with their teams, building individualized stay plans, and then forecasting how long each employee will stay.

    The core skills include listening, probing, taking notes, and taking responsibility. Forecasting for each employee is chosen from green indicating the employee will stay at least one year, yellow indicating the employee will stay just 6-12 months, and red indicating the employee will likely stay less than 6 months. Leaders may change their individual forecasts at any time.

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  • number 3

    The Retention Accountability Session

    finnegan's arrow part 3 - accountabilityApproximately 60 days later after leaders have completed most of their initial Stay Interviews, Our Finnegan’s Arrow Certified Facilitator delivers a two-hour Retention Accountability Session for each group who attended a Stay Interviews training session.

    The primary objective of the Accountability Session is for leaders to report their Stay Interview results including their retention forecasts, why their employees stay and might leave, specific stay plans they have implemented, and issues which they cannot change. Leaders also discuss their initial progress against retention goals.

  • number 4

    The Continuing Retention Accountability Sessions

    Our Finnegan’s Arrow Certified Facilitator then schedules monthly calls with the Retention Champion, Retention Coach, and other executives to review each leader’s progress against retention goals and their forecasts, as well as progress toward developing and implementing all retention solutions.

    We cut turnover by 20% and more by facilitating the above sessions and delivering additional retention services. Each Finnegan’s Arrow Certified Facilitator develops deep bonds with client executives to solve organizational issues adjacent to employee retention, and also takes on personal accountability for ensuring a 20%-plus turnover improvement along with fewer job openings, greater productivity, and much improved customer service and sales.

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