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The Stay Interview Game


To all readers of The Power of Stay Interviews for Engagement and Retention, Welcome to the Stay Interview Game!

the power of stay interviews by richard finneganI hope you have found my book to be helpful, and especially that the Stay. Interview game has made clear the subtle differences between managers who conduct stay Interviews effectively and those who do not. This game can be a good training and coaching tool for your managers as it leads them to learn the best ways to manage unexpected situations.

Please enter your contact information below, and then enter your rank-orders of best to worst scenarios (1 being the best, and 7 being the worst) in the far right column of the table below. Then click the submit button.

Play the STAY Game: Rank the Scenarios

Scenario Description Rank
#1 We Call During Dinner... where Maria gave John more feedback than he could have ever imagined
#2 Tipping Cows... during which Billie managed Brenda through her technology fears and schedule wishes
#3 RENRON Consulting... Where Charles fretted the worst for his company and his career choice
#4 Parts-is-Parts... as we saw James throw a curve at Robert through a missing tooth
#5 Burning Bridges... where Shirley gave Paul direction about his career
#6 Rump Roast... during which Lester positioned himself for a transfer or promotion
#7 Happy Endings... where Marvin took a fresh approach to improving survey results
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