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Why Employee Surveys Fail to Truly Boost Engagement

Why Employee Surveys Fail to Truly Boost Engagement

Employee engagement strategies often fail due to over-reliance on surveys which many employees distrust. The key to success is recognizing that engagement goes beyond a simple survey score and ensuring executives and managers view engagement and retention as critical metrics that influence overall operational performance, especially through strong leader-employee relationships.

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Seven Proofs Managers Drive Retention, Not HR

Seven Proofs Managers Drive Retention, Not HR

Two years ago, at SHRM21, I gave a presentation called Seven Proofs That Managers Drive Engagement & Retention, Not HR. It was clear then that there was a disconnect between what research tells us and what we do to improve retention. I’m revisiting my notes from that event to see how far retention efforts have come in two years.

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From SHRM23 Las Vegas: Is It Pay?

From SHRM23Las Vegas: Is It Pay?

When employees seek support regarding any of their daily employee needs, their supervisor is their go-to source. First-line supervisors drive no less than 50% of turnover and 70% of engagement. Research and data support that if the boss is seen as trustworthy, the number of reasons to leave diminish significantly, including leaving for pay.

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