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From SHRM23 Las Vegas: Is It Pay?

From SHRM23Las Vegas: Is It Pay?

When employees seek support regarding any of their daily employee needs, their supervisor is their go-to source. First-line supervisors drive no less than 50% of turnover and 70% of engagement. Research and data support that if the boss is seen as trustworthy, the number of reasons to leave diminish significantly, including leaving for pay.

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How Bad Managers Drive Turnover

Bad Managers Drive Turnover

Is it just a coincidence that the worst managers usually blame their employee turnover on pay? Not enough staff? HR recruits ineffective workers? That leaders see employees’ reasons for leaving as every possible one but themselves? I think not.

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How Important is Turnover to Your CEO?

Is turnover important to your CEO

How would your CEO rate employee turnover as a priority? “Very important” is easy to say…and easy to see. But the question is precisely how much does employee turnover impact every single aspect of our businesses? The answer to this question is critical because each organization determines how committed it is to cutting turnover.

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