If My Career Rested on Just One Relationship, This Is It
Mentor is too weak, too common a word to describe Bob Bowen. I genuinely love the man. Bob was my first boss in my only “real” job, climbing up the…
Mentor is too weak, too common a word to describe Bob Bowen. I genuinely love the man. Bob was my first boss in my only “real” job, climbing up the…
The organization that leveraged team leaders cut turnover by greater than 30%, while the other company saw much smaller reductions.
The images you see here look fresh off the internet, but they were actually taken last Wednesday in our yard. From inside, of course. We live in the one zip…
Employees might surface an issue that is real to them, and one we cannot find an immediate fix for. Tough issues training is key for leaders to manage expectations.
The lesson we have learned is the same one those attendees in Nashville told me, that accountability doesn’t come easy…or naturally in many organizations.
A recent Forbes article told the sorry story of a manager losing a top employee out of the blue. One of those “everything seemed OK and then he quit” examples every manager has endured. I have to wonder how effectively the manager in our story asked about the employee’s interests and needs.
We just wanted to share some of our client success stories from 2018, and yes, brag just a bit about our part in them.
Stay Interviews cut turnover and improve engagement because they drive supervisors to talk with their employees about work issues that matter to each individual employee. And sometimes about non-work issues that matter, too.
I spent part of Thanksgiving reading about poverty, recognizing the irony when most of us are noting our abundances. My reasons were my natural interest stemming from an undergraduate degree…