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Targeting Turnover Blog

A Genuine, Gripping Story About What Employees Talk About Over Dinner

A Genuine, Gripping Story About What Employees Talk About Over Dinner

"I totally get what you mean when you say what matters is what employees talk about over dinner. My husband and I work for the same company though he works in a different division and a different location. Each night he complains to me about his boss over dinner. At some point I switched from being an HR person to being his wife, and I asked when he was going to quit. He said he knew the date, and during his exit interview he wouldn’t say a thing, just wanted to get out."

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Think It’s Hard to Find An Electrician Now? Just Wait.

Think It’s Hard to Find An Electrician Now

Rebuilding our infrastructure is just a matter of time, measured in months. I wonder, though, if anyone in Washington is wondering where the needed workers will come from because I can’t find an electrician now. But “The American Jobs Plan” is about more than electricians. It’s about 19 million Americans with various work histories getting new jobs.

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Alarming Realities Regarding Employee Engagement

Alarming Realities Regarding Employee Engagement

How hard is it to understand that employees do want recognition, communication, and career coaching…but they want it from their boss? Yet we persist to believe one-size-fits-all programs are worthy substitutes for our managers performing their jobs. So there is no mystery why employee engagement has been stuck for 20 years.

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Connecting Dots Between Benefits, Employee Turnover, & Netflix

Connecting Dots Between Benefits, Employee Turnover, & Netflix

We learned a new trick at home this past weekend, that when we turned on the captions the shows got better. It cleared up jumbled dialogue and we paid more attention to the background notes. Things didn’t notice before that add to the experience but still don’t compete with the primary story line, the continuously-developing plot, and the stars of the show. And the stars of your must-cut-turnover show are your first line supervisors.

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