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Seven Proofs Managers Drive Retention, Not HR

Seven Proofs Managers Drive Retention, Not HR

Two years ago, at SHRM21, I gave a presentation called Seven Proofs That Managers Drive Engagement & Retention, Not HR. It was clear then that there was a disconnect between what research tells us and what we do to improve retention. I’m revisiting my notes from that event to see how far retention efforts have come in two years.

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Gallagher Reports #1 Workforce Priority is Still Turnover

Gallagher Reports #1 Workforce Priority is Still Turnover

The highly-respected Gallagher 2023 Workforce Trends Report survey of 4,000+ organizations says that employee retention remains priority #1. Not only did 66% of HR executives say so, but more than half of operations executives did as well. So businesses who must get product out the door now see turnover as their main obstacle, just as nurse turnover drives patient-care shortcomings and ever-increasing agency costs.

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