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Want to Implement Stay Interviews Internally? Join Me at Disney

Implement Stay Interviews Internally

Each week I present here the absolute best information and solutions to implement Stay Interviews and cut employee turnover. But today, I want to invite you to spend a few days in Florida learning it all such that you could return home to MAKE IT HAPPEN…to not only reduce turnover but also slash open jobs, make real employee engagement happen, and improve productivity across your company.

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Five Ideas for Retaining Your Young Workers

Five Ideas for Retaining Your Young Workers

Recent surveys say these are the at-work values young workers hold most dear: Mobility, entrepreneurial freedom, and flexibility. Lock these key employee retention words into your brain, make them pop up on your computer screen first thing each morning because 53% of your Gen Z and millennials will consider leaving this year.

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How Much Are Worker Shortages Impacting Customer Service Today?

Worker Shortages Impacting Customer Service

It’s become common to complain about poor customer service, mutterings by those with clear memories of right-in-front-of-me employees who were eager to help. And those who mutter are right because a full 75% of American businesses have already turned away customers or cut operating hours because they can’t hire enough staff, making us wonder how much worse customer service can become.

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Who Drives Retention Success? Gallup Says Your Team Leaders

Team leader with happy employees

Gallup’s CEO, Jim Clifton, very purposefully used the phrase, “team leaders” in a subtitle of one of his books. Why do I agree this specific role is crucial? Because team leaders are in their employees’ faces every day, providing instruction, feedback, and building relationships. Jim knows team leaders’ impact employee retention, and so do we. When it comes to cutting employee turnover - team leaders are the front line for building trust.

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