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MIT says “Toxic Culture” driving “The Great Resignation”

2MIT says “Toxic Culture” driving “The Great Resignation”

MIT researchers shared a new study that presents a different perspective regarding why employees are quitting their jobs in droves, and the number one reason is “toxic corporate culture”. “Toxic corporate culture” is comprised of three distinct categories and the MIT research tells us “toxic corporate culture” is…wait for it…10 times more important than compensation in predicting turnover.

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10 Reasons “The Great Resignation” is the New Normal

10 Reasons “The Great Resignation” is the New Normal

We are now firmly in the midst of “The Great Resignation”, and the number of monthly quits have consistently exceeded their all-time highs. This gloomy picture would be incomplete, though, without looking beyond today, wondering how long the workforce clouds will stay dark. There are at least 10 reasons that forecast "The Great Resignation" as the new normal.

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Keeping Retention Goals Top of Mind

Keeping Retention Goals Top of Mind

Each of you knows that nothing happens in organizations without accountability…nothing…yet my guess is fewer than 5% of global companies, large and small, actually hold someone accountable for turnover. This is why we always begin with converting turnover to dollars. It’s the turnover accountability wake-up call.

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PROOF: Employees Talk About Their Bosses Over Dinner

Employees Talk About Their Bosses Over Dinner

During a recent client discussion, I mentioned my belief that what matters most regarding employee retention and engagement is what employees talk about over dinner. That the feelings we tell ourselves on our way home from work plus any subsequent conversations we have soon after ultimately predicts how long we will stay and how committed we are to our day-to-day work.

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