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How Much Can Pay Fix Turnover?

Companies that believe retention is based on pay, benefits, or any other traditional reason are dogs chasing their tails. They will never out-pay their competition for talent…but they will irritate and lose top performers by constantly raising starting pay without addressing pay compression for others.

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Clifton Says Team Leaders Drive Retention Success

team leaders drive retention success

Jim Clifton is CEO of Gallup one of his book’s contains a most interesting subtitle that uses the phrase, “team leaders.” Jim’s use here is very purposeful, as he makes clear in the book, and from work we’ve done, I can tell you organizations that leverage team leaders cut turnover by greater than 30%.

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Who Is Quitting During “The Great Resignation” and Why

Who is quitting during the great resignation and why

PBS News released a new study last week and it reads like the same-old talk. Quit reasons include “young-people” rhetoric, reduction in hours or benefits, options to work remotely or for more flexible hours, relocation, lost their jobs, and of course the old standard, “better opportunity”. Here is a wake-up call regarding the real reasons employees are leaving.

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